The Tulalip Tribes is a federally recognized tribe
and successors in interest to the Snohomish,
Snoqualmie, Skykomish, and other allied tribes and
bands that signed the 1855 Treaty of Point Elliott.

Higher Education


Mission Statement

The Tulalip Tribes are dedicated to supporting the educational aspirations of eligible tribal members by providing funding and supportive services. Our primary goal is to foster the education and career development of tribal members through post-secondary scholarships and vocational/technical training.


Required Documents

For New Students and Students Returning After More Than 2 School Years:

  • Copy of your Tribal ID
  • Copy of High School Diploma or GED
  • Acceptance Letter or Academic Program Change notification
  • (Running Start Students) Letter from High School Counselor

For Continuing Students, Renewed Annually:

  • Notice of Scholarship or Grant Awards

For Continuing Students, Renewed Each Term:

  • Grades from the previous term
  • Schedule or Program Outline
  • Tuition Invoice (must include invoice # and date) and, when applicable, receipt or other proof of payment

For Out of Area Students, Renewed Upon Address/Lease Change and As Payments Are Due:

  • Lease Agreement
  • Landlord's W-9, OR when applicable, receipts or other proof of payment
  • Please ensure all required documents are in PDF format. (Please call or email Higher Ed for the complete Higher Education Policy.)



Everett Community College GED Testing – If you would like to pre-register for GED classes, please call 360-716-4888. Please use this link for the testing center hours.


Helpful Tips and Forms

Almost everyone, at some point, will need to provide a reference letter. This sample letter may be helpful when you find someone to write a reference letter for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We have a funding matrix we use for colleges.
  • It is being processed. We will call you when we receive it.
  • Please send us a copy of the invoice so we can process the payment.

Tulalip whale
Tulalip whale

Contact Us

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7707 36th Ave NW - Bldg. D-1
Tulalip, WA 98271
(Driving Directions)

Office Mainline:
Urgent Needs/Text Line:
