Page 46 - Community Resource Guide
P. 46

WASHINGTON TELEPHONE                                 • Proof of children, birthdates and
               ASSISTANCE PROGRAM                                   guardianship (birth certificates, DSHS
               Phone: 888-700-8880                                  award letter, court papers, etc.)
               Website:                  • Proof of income (current pay stubs,
               Lifeline program providing discounted                DSHS award letter, etc.
               phone services to qualifying low
               income customers                                     MARYSVILLE FOOD BANK TOY
                                                                    STORE PROGRAM
               WASHINGTON STATE WORK                                Phone: 360-658-1054
               SOURCE (EMPLOYMENT SECURITY)                         Address: The Grove Church, 4705
               Website:                       Grove Street, Marysville, WA

               Financial aid for education and job                  Requirements: Must be a client of the
               training                                             Marysville Food Bank
                                                                    To register go to Marysville Food Bank

               YWCA–ECONOMIC RESILIENCE                             (4150 88th Street NE, Marysville, WA
               PROGRAM                                              98270) with proof address & photo ID
               Phone: 425-264-1408
               Website:                          VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA
               programs/economic-resilience-initiative              Seasonal Assistance
                                                                    Phone: 425-259-8129 ext. 235
               SEASONAL ASSISTANCE                                  Address: 2525 Rucker Ave, Everett WA
                                                                    Website: http://everett.salvationarmy.
               CHRISTMAS HOUSE                                      org/everett_corps/seasonal-assistance

               Times: Open in Month of December                     Visit website for details on Holiday
               Address: 2316 12th St, Everett, WA                   Food Baskets and Gift Programs for
               (Boys and Girls Club Gym)                            the holidays
               (Visit website for guidelines to becoming            FREE TAX PREPARATION SERVICES
               a shopper and hours of operation)                    AARP TAX AIDE PROGRAM
               Seasonal Holiday gift program that                   Free Tax Prep services for those 60 and
               provides opportunity for qualifying,                 older
               low-income, Snohomish County parents                 Phone: 888-227-7669
               to select free holiday gifts for their
               children age infant – 18 years old                   IRS VOLUNTEER INCOME TAX

               Requirements:                                        ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (VITA)
               • Current photo ID                                   Phone: 800-906-9887
               • Proof of spouse/significant other living
               in the house (current ID, passport, birth            IRS TAX COUNSELING FOR THE
               certificate, marriage certificate, etc.)             ELDERLY (TCE) PROGRAM
                                                                    Phone: 800-906-9887

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