Page 63 - Community Resource Guide
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TULALIP HEALING TO                                   Hours: Mon–Fri: 9AM–5PM
               WELLNESS COURT                                               By Appointment.
               Phone: 360-716-4773                                  Provides low-cost representation and
               Address: 6103 31st Ave NE                            free advice and counsel to people in
               Tulalip, WA                                          Washington State who have been denied
               Email:                                               unemployment benefits or whose award
                       of benefits is being challenged
               Home/Government/Departments/                         WASHINGTON STATE BAR
               TribalCourt.aspx                                     ASSOCIATION
               Comprehensive services to promote                    Moderate Means Program
               accountability and provide support                   Phone: 855-741-6930
               to criminal defendants charged with
               non-violent offenses to avoid criminal               Apply online:
               prosecution                                          Community/Volunteer-Opportunities/

               TULALIP TRIBES LEGACY OF                             Moderate-Means-Program/Moderate-
               HEALING ADVOCACY CENTER                              Means-Legal-Help/

               Phone: 360-716-4100                                  Provides legal services to moderate-
                                                                    income clients at reduced cost
               Assists survivors of domestic violence,
               sexual assault and stalking with                     WASHINGTON WEB LAWYER
               protection orders and the legal process
               TULALIP TRIBES CHILDREN’S                            Free legal services online
               ADVOCACY CENTER
               Phone: 360-716-5437                                  WASHINGTON LAW HELP
               Email:                                               Website:
                      Access to free legal database with
               Assists children under 18 who are                    online forms and legal materials
               survivors of severe physical abuse and/
               or sexual abuse with protection orders               YWCA–SEXUAL VIOLENCE LEGAL
               and legal advocacy                                   SERVICES
                                                                    Phone: 206-832-3632
               TULALIP TRIBES ELDERS                                Legal Hotline:
               VULNERABLE ADULTS PROTECTION                         877-999-7857 or 206-832-3620
               Located at Tulalip Senior Center                     Address: 2024 Third Ave

               Phone: 360-716-4689                                  Seattle, WA

               UNEMPLOYMENT LAW PROJECT                   
               Phone: 206-441-9178 or 800-441-9178                  Program that provides legal services to
               Address: 1904 Third Ave, Suite 264,                  victims of sexual assault in Washington
               Seattle, WA                                          State

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