The Tulalip Tribes is a federally recognized tribe
and successors in interest to the Snohomish,
Snoqualmie, Skykomish, and other allied tribes and
bands that signed the 1855 Treaty of Point Elliott.
The Tulalip Recovery Resource Center is a gathering space for members of the recovery community. It houses several recovery-oriented programs designed to assist community members who have or are struggling with substance use disorder.
Wrap those who we serve in supportive recovery resources as we continue to combat the opioid epidemic.
To continue building a strong and healthy recovery community and reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with overdose.
We carry acceptance for all who we serve and strive to meet them where they are at. We aim to foster a healing environment where clients feel comfortable reaching out to us for help. We will make a strong effort to ensure our community members gain the support they need to pursue a better tomorrow.
Explore our comprehensive SUD treatment resources for Snohomish County.
Addiction Resource - Snohomish County
Drop-In Hours:
8:00 AM - 4 PM
Street Address:
7627 41st Ave NW
Tulalip, WA 98271
Phone Numbers: