The Tulalip Tribes is a federally recognized tribe
and successors in interest to the Snohomish,
Snoqualmie, Skykomish, and other allied tribes and
bands that signed the 1855 Treaty of Point Elliott.

RFP- Bleacher- Foundation-2023-01-18


Bleacher Foundation

Proposal Title

Bleacher Foundation

Description of Proposal

The Tulalip Tribes of Washington (“Tribes”) is soliciting Tulalip Tribal Business’ (“Bidders”) with experience in reinforced concrete foundations on the Tulalip Reservation. Bidders must have the ability to provide the full-range of services necessary to complete the project.

The Request for Bid is Restricted to Certified Tulalip Tribal Members Small Business’ (i.e., Bidders) only. The Tulalip Tribes’ TERO will verify Bidders who submit sealed bid proposals to validate certified Tulalip Tribal Member Small Businesses. Bidders shall include with their Bid Proposal (Form) evidence of certification from Tulalip Tribes’ Employment Office (TERO).

Native American Preference related to contracting, subcontracting, and suppliers in the project is required. Bidders shall abide by the Tulalip Tribal Code Chapter 9.05 – TERO Code which provides Indian preference in contracting goods and services. Native American Preference related to contracting, subcontracting and suppliers in the project is required.

Proposers shall abide by The Tulalip Code, Chapter 9.05 – TERO Code which provides NAOB preference in contracting goods and services. Additionally, The Tulalip Tribes’ Board of Directors has the authority to require those employers subject to The Tulalip Code, Chapter 9.05 – TERO Code and applicable federal laws and guidelines, to give preference to Indians in hiring, promotions, training, and all other aspects of employment. Bidders shall comply with The Tulalip Code and the rules, regulations, and orders of the TERO Commission. For more information about the Tulalip Code, Chapter 9.05 – TERO Code, contact The Tulalip Tribes’ TERO Department at 6406 Marine Drive, Tulalip, Washington 98271, Office (360) 716-4747 or email.

Project Contact

Nicole Smith
Tulalip Tribes, Senior Project Manager
Phone: (360) 716-4697

Open Date:

Thursday, January 19, 2023, at 8:00 AM PST

Close Date:

Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 2:00 PM PST

Bidders shall submit their bid proposals on the provided ‘Bid Proposal Form’ sealed in an envelope clearly marked as containing a bid, Bid Solicitation Number, Project Name, Name of Bidding entity, and date of bid opening both legible and on the outside of the envelope. The bidder shall fill-in all relevant blank spaces in the Bid Form in black or blue ink, typewriter, or digital text. Bids using pencil, may result in disqualification. Any changes, alteration, or additions in the wording of the Bid Proposal Form may cause the Bidder to be disqualified and rejected as not responsible for award of a contract. Contract Bonds are not required.

Mail or submit proposals to:
116th Job Shack
11404 34th Avenue NE
Tulalip, WA 9821
Attn: Nicole Smith

Project Documents
