The Tulalip Tribes is a federally recognized tribe
and successors in interest to the Snohomish,
Snoqualmie, Skykomish, and other allied tribes and
bands that signed the 1855 Treaty of Point Elliott.

RFP- Lochsloy Floodplain Restoration Design-2023-01-NR


Proposal Title

Lochsloy Floodplain Restoration Design Project

Description of Proposal

The Tulalip Tribes of Washington (Tulalip Tribes) is soliciting proposals for the Lochsloy Floodplain Restoration Design project. This project involves assessments and preliminary design for the removal of up to 1,000' of levee, side channel construction, and LWD installation along the Middle Pilchuck River. The primary goal of this effort is to advance assessments and designs that will result in maximizing connectivity at a range of flows to maximize benefits to critical salmonid species while maintaining or improving the protection of adjacent landowners and infrastructure and minimizing long-term maintenance. For additional details, click here.

Project Contact

Natasha Coumou
Restoration Ecologist
Phone: (360) 716-4635

Robert Henderson
TERO Compliance Officer
Phone: (360) 716-4751

Open Date:

Monday, June 12, 2023

Close Date:

Monday, July 31, 2023 at 3:00 PM PST
