The Tulalip Tribes is a federally recognized tribe
and successors in interest to the Snohomish,
Snoqualmie, Skykomish, and other allied tribes and
bands that signed the 1855 Treaty of Point Elliott.

RFP- Tulalip- Marina- Pump- Station- Replacement- Project-2024-002-PW


Proposal Title

RFP for Tulalip Marina Pump Station Replacement Project

Description of Proposal

The Work includes the demolishing of the existing vacuum prime pump station and associated piping and steel beams and brackets in the wet well, demolishing the existing fencing and portions of the existing concrete block wall, a light pole, an electrical panel, and various electrical devices, raceways, and conductors.

The work also includes isolating the existing wet well and providing temporary bypass pumping, cleaning, sealing, and coating the existing wet well. The work includes two submersible pumps installed in the existing wet well with bases, pump removal rails, and appurtenances and connecting the pumps to the existing force main with ductile iron piping, fittings, isolation valves, check valves, thrust restraint, and providing a combination air/vacuum release valve and bypass pumping port. The work includes factory applied epoxy coating on exposed piping, fittings, and valves within the wet well and vaults.

The work includes a new cast-in-place concrete slab on wet well, installing a valve vault, installing a meter vault with a magnetic meter and an adjacent pressure transmitter and gage assembly, and installing a saddle type bypass manhole. The work includes hatches cast into the top slabs for all the manholes and vaults and drain piping for hatches and the vaults and bypass manhole into the wet well.

The Work also includes site temporary erosion and sediment control, safety shoring, dewatering, and site restoration. The work includes a concrete slab at the electrical panels, asphalt paving for a driveway leading up to the wet well and valve vault, gravel surfacing within the fencing limits. The work includes re-grading the site and furnishing a new fence with an access gate and adjacent vehicle gate. The work includes furnishing a water service and yard hydrant.

The work includes providing a new concrete base for the existing engine generator and relocating the generator on to the new base. The work includes a new pump control panel with variable frequency drives for each pump, disconnects, a programmable logic control, uninterruptible power supply, devices and integration into the existing Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system, and appurtenances. The work includes lighting, raceways, and conductors for motors, sensors, and lighting, and alarms. The work includes a new termination panel and intrinsically safe relays to isolate the wet well from the control panel.

The project is located on the Tulalip Indian Reservation.

Project Contact:

Jack Wright, Parametrix

Mike Leslie, Project Manager

Open Date:

Thursday, August 22, 2024 8:00 AM PST

Close Date:

Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 2:00 PM PST

Sealed Bid Submission Location:

Public Works Building
Attn: Mike Leslie, Project Manager
6729 Totem Beach Road
Tulalip, WA 98271
